Registering the Church  App

Where do I start?
1) Click HERE with your mobile device to download and install the Church App for your specific device (Apple or Google).
2) Once the Church App is installed on your device, launch the Church App and SELECT the 3 lines at the top:
3) SELECT Login or Sign Up:
4) SELECT Continue with Email to register your email (we do NOT recommend using Facebook):
5) ENTER (Type in) your email address & an 8-character password (Keep your password safe and REMEMBER it!):
6) SELECT Create an Account:
7) Complete the requested account information (NOTE: you do NOT want to change the password!):
8) You will be presented with the following screen:
9) Check your email and click on the Confirm email address button:
10) Log-in to the Church App & you are all set to communicate!

What now?
If you are part of a Small Group, a Bible study, an outreach, or a ministry here at CCH, your Group leader will send you an invite once you are registered.  You can then message with the group!